Connect plus primary 3, Unit 3

What's on your plate

Mr Hany Mansy

Connect plus primary 3, Unit 3 - What's on your plate  كونكت بلس الصف الثالث
Connect plus primary 3, Unit 3 - What's on your plate  كونكت بلس الصف الثالث

New vocabulary:

Plate      طبقة                 Vegetables خضروات                 Nutrients   مواد مغذية         Calcium    كالسيوم           Protein بروتين           Fiber ألياف نباتية                     Sugar   سكر. سكريات        Dairy product  منتجات ألبان Carbohydrate         كربوهيدرات                                Joints    مفاصل                     Minerals          معادن    Fruits فاكهة              Fats  دهون                               Vitamins فيتامينات               Delicious لذيذ    
Definitions التعريفات :-

Vitamins الفيتامينات : need treats in some food.
Delicious لذيذ : having a good taste .
Protein بروتين : substance found in foods such as مثل meat and fish.
Fats دهون : substance found in food such as oil and butter .
Dairy food منتجات ألبان : such as Milk cheese and yogurtزبادي .
Expressions تعبيرات:
Do exerciseيتدرب  – do a raceيشارك في سباق   Life skills مهارات الحياة
snacks  وجبة خفيفة cereal طعام من حبوب الذرة cake كيك dried fruit فاكهة مجففة bar قالب chocolate brownie شيكولاته بيراوني

Opposites العكس: 
Healthy  صحي * unhealthy غير صحي
Hydrated مشبع بالماء* dehydrated جاف

Phonics الصوتيات :
digestion  الهضم nutrition التغذية  fire station مركز الإطفاء  pollution التلوث fiction خيال

Should & Shouldn't
تستخدم للنصيحة
We use should to give an advice or to say what is the right thing
to do
Should: good things النصح لعمل شيء ايجابي مرغوب فيه
Ex: you should help your friends
Ex:you should drink milk every day.

shouldn't: تستخدم للنصح لعدم القيام بشيء سلبي سيء غير مرغوب فيه
We use shouldn’t to avoid doing bad things .”shouldn’t” is the
negative form of should. 
Ex:she shouldn’t eat candies every day.
Should  ينبغي أن +inf المصدر بدون إضافات
Shouldn’t ينبغي إلأ+ +inf المصدر بدون إضافات
Questions :
Should she eat fruit?هل ينبغي أن تأكل فاكهة
Yes, she should.

Should he drink soda?
No, he shouldn't.
Should I sleep early?
Yes, you should.
Should I talk in classroom?
No, you shouldn't

1. You ( should – shouldn't – don't ) do your homework .
2. They ( should – shouldn't – aren't ) play with bad toys.
3. Children ( should – shouldn't – doesn't ) eat a lot of sweets.
4. You ( should – shouldn't – isn't ) study your lesson .
5. She ( should – shouldn't – aren't ) play with matches.
6. You ( should – shouldn't – aren't ) help your friends .
7. ( Should – Is – Shouldn't ) we listen to our parents?
8. Should she( write – writes – is writing ) on the wall?
9. You shouldn't ( drink – drinks – is drinking ) soda .
10. We ( should – shouldn't ) eat healthy food .

11. Many food such as cakes biscuits and ( milk – soda – pasta)
contain sugar .
12. Should she ( stays – stay – staying ) up for 2:00 tonight.
13. ( Is – Should – Do) she do exercise every day?
14. You (should – shouldn't – can't) drink a lot of soda.
15. This cake ( tastes – feels – looks ) delicious.
16. ( Calcium – Soda – Cereal) is good for our bones, heart and
17. There’re lots of ( diets – fats – vitamins ) in fruits.

Supply the missing parts in the dialogue :
Dialogue (1):
A: Should I eat fruit ?
B: ………………………………………………………………..
A: ……………………………..………………………………?
B: because it's healthy.
Dialogue (2):
A: ……………………………….………………….is your book?
B: It's on the table
A: You ……………………… your lessons
B: Should I read them now?
A: ………………………………………………

We need protein to help us grow to make our bodies strong. There is protein in meat, fish and eggs. There’s protein in dairy foods such as milk and cheese, too. Dairy foods ,also give us vitamins and mineral calcium. Calcium is good for our bones, heart and muscles. Carbohydrates give us energy. We can get carbohydrates in bread, pasta, rice and cereal. We need fats too, because they help us absorb some important
Answer the question:
• Why do we need protein?
• What does daily food give us ?
Choose the correct answer :
1. There are ( carbohydrates – protein – sugar ) in bread and
2. (Oil – Calcium – Sugar ) is good for our bones, heart and

Write 3 sentences:
Healthy / eat
Write three sentences:
Exercise / water

Protein is in meat.

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